
Beta 1.5 Released!

Busy, but not forgotten! There’s been some significant overhauls to the rules since the last public beta, but we’re really excited to release it to you guys! In addition to a fresher coat of paint on the layout to make…

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Beta 1.1 Is Released

A new release of the Waracle beta is now online! Changes in this version include: Tweaks to some talents and spells for balancing Changing total HP calculation to (END x 2) + Profession bonus Art updates to all chapter splash…

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Big thanks to Cecil-Con!

On April 8th, I demoed and presented the Waracle beta at Cecil-Con. A big thank you to the con staff for having me! It had a great time and would love to return next year!

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Reddit Live

Been a crazy year! Waracle’s been undergoing beta testing, but the lead developer, Briana, got a new day job 700 miles away from home last summer, which has delayed updates on here. But to kick off a belated new year,…

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Public Beta is here!

Waracle is now in public beta! What does this mean? It means the game is now polished enough that you can get your hands on the game and give it a whirl! The beta testing package includes two PDFs: the…

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Quesachan Army

Here’s a fun post for the lore oriented geeks like me! Today I’m going to go over the basics of the structure and rankings of the Quesachan military. With pictures! Lots and lots of pictures. It’s not something you need…

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Entering Pre-Beta

Alpha testing is in its final rounds. Most of the mechanics have been hammered out into a more balanced stage. Before we officially enter into beta, we’ve got a few more specific details to run through the ringer and complete…

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Alpha is a Go!

Last night (or rather, this morning on my part – was a bit of an all-nighter on my end!), the team and I did the last polishing miscellaneous rules and bits and bobs for Waracle’s first build. We have our…

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Down to the Wire for Alpha

Wow, what progress we’ve had in under two months! We’re coming down to the final development stages before we begin alpha testing in full. By November 16th, we will have a fully playable alpha draft of the game. Some fine…

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First Bout of Testing!

Last night was a landmark for Waracle! In our very first testing session, the team gave the basics of the combat system (and our characters!) a few hard knocks. We’ve got some fantastic results, and made some tweaks and improvements…

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